Cross head countersunk flat head screw for chipboard panels

Tolerances according to ISO 4759.

C15 casehardened

  • Also supplied in Class stainless steel A2 - A4 upon request.
Part number d x Ldk max.k max.Impronta PH n° Kg x 1000 Package of Number of packages
Part number d x Ldk max.k max.Impronta PH n° Kg x 1000 Package of Number of packages
8132120501025 2,5 x 1051,41 0,30 500
8132120501225 2,5 x 1251,41 0,33 500
8132120501625 2,5 x 1651,41 0,36 500
8132120501825 2,5 x 1851,41 0,39 500
8132120502025 2,5 x 2051,41 0,52 500
8132120502525 2,5 x 2551,41 0,63 500
8132100301025 3 x 1061,81 0,41 1000
8132100301225 3 x 1261,81 0,46 1000
8132100301625 3 x 1661,81 0,56 1000
8132100301825 3 x 1861,81 0,67 1000
8132100302025 3 x 2061,81 0,77 1000
8132100302525 3 x 2561,81 0,88 1000
8132100303025 3 x 3061,81 0,98 1000
8132100303525 3 x 3561,81 1,09 1000
8132100304025 3 x 4061,81 1,19 1000
8132130501025 3,5 x 10722 0,41 500
8132130501625 3,5 x 16722 0,84 500
8132130501825 3,5 x 18722 0,99 500
8132130502025 3,5 x 20722 1,13 500
8132130502525 3,5 x 25722 1,28 500
8132130503025 3,5 x 30722 1,43 500
8132130503525 3,5 x 35722 1,57 500
8132130504025 3,5 x 40722 1,72 500
8132130504525 3,5 x 45722 1,86 500
8132130505025 3,5 x 50722 1,99 500
8132100401625 4 x 1682,352 1,05 1000
8132100401825 4 x 1882,352 1,15 1000
8132100402025 4 x 2082,352 1,25 1000
8132100402525 4 x 2582,352 1,53 1000
8132100403025 4 x 3082,352 1,80 1000
8132100403525 4 x 3582,352 2,10 1000
8132100404025 4 x 4082,352 2,35 1000
8132100405025 4 x 5082,352 2,90 1000
8132100406025 4 x 6082,352 3,45 1000
8132140501625 x 16 1,30 1000
8132140502025 x 20 1,55 1000
8132140502525 x 25 1,87 1000
8132140503025 x 30 2,20 1000
8132140503525 x 35 2,50 1000
8132140504025 x 40 2,85 1000
8132140504525 x 45 3,20 1000
8132140505025 x 50 3,40 1000
8132100502025 5 x 20102,852 1,95 1000
8132100502525 5 x 25102,852 2,35 1000
8132100503025 5 x 30102,852 2,74 1000
8132100503525 5 x 35102,852 3,13 1000
8132100504025 5 x 40102,852 3,53 1000
8132100504525 5 x 45102,852 3,92 1000
8132100505025 5 x 50102,852 4,32 1000
8132100506025 5 x 60102,852 5,10 200
8132100507025 5 x 70102,852 5,89 200
8132100508025 5 x 80102,852 6,68 200
8132100509025 5 x 90102,852 7,47 200
8132100510025 5 x 100102,852 8,25 200
8132100604025 6 x 40123,353 5,10 200
8132100605025 6 x 50123,353 6,23 200
8132100606025 6 x 60123,353 7,36 200
8132100610025 6 x 100123,353 11,86 200
8132100612025 6 x 120123,353 14,10 200